Sorry, Microsoft Mail could not be removed from memory. Please close all Mail windows and applications that are using Mail and try again. OKAYRemove*Are you sure you want to remove Microsoft Mail from memory? If Mail is removed, you must restart your Mac before you can use Mail again. The “MS Mail” file and the Mail Server are in different languages. Please see your Network Manager. Sorry, the server ran out of memory trying to complete the operation. OKAYDelete*Are you sure you want to delete the unread enclosure(s) in this message? Sorry, the server was unable to complete the transfer. Please try again. Your Microsoft Mail Server is full. Please contact your Network Manager. You need to choose a server before you can sign in to Microsoft Mail. Use the Chooser DA to select the server you would like to connect to. You cannot Reply To or Forward status messages. Sorry, there was not enough memory to complete the operation. Please close some windows and try again. When using this desk accessory on an AppleShare Server you can only save files to the Server Folder. AppleTalk must be reconnected via the Chooser before Microsoft Mail can be used. The Microsoft Mail Server is not the correct version for use with this desk accessory. Please see your Network Manager. The “MS Mail” file is not the correct version for use with this desk accessory. Please see your Network Manager. Sorry, the message was not saved successfully. Make sure that your disk is not write protected or full. Sorry, the Mail Server could not handle your request. Please consult your Network Manager. Sorry, the message could not be printed. Please confirm your printer selection and try again. The Microsoft Mail workstation software is not loaded. Please check that the “MS Mail” file is in your System Folder and restart your Mac. Sorry, the message was not read because a communication error occurred. Please try again. Sorry, the requested window could not be created. Sorry, that password is incorrect. Please check your password and try again or contact your Network Manager. Sorry, that name is unknown. Please check your spelling and try again or contact your Network Manager. Save Address Book: Address Book Ww.